Saturday, August 3, 2024

"Israeli hacktivist group brags it took down Iran's internet"

There's a lot of stuff going on in the world, isn't there? And sometimes it seems events are choreographed for our titillation and amusement. 

Of course that comment could reflect either a semi-deep insight or a final psychotic break with reality on the part of yours truly.

This weekend we'll be pulling at different threads in the tapestry to see if we can reduce the seeming complexity of the embroidery to the underlying foundation mesh.

And what, possibly curious reader may wonder, led to this feeble excuse of an introduction?

I was contemplating whether I was going to be around to see the return of Halley's Comet which led to a 2021 post on the French-English Brexit fishing deal which used a panel of the Bayeux Tapestry as a graphic:

"France warns of 'reprisals' over Brexit fishing deal"
Huh. My first thought was to check the Bayeux Tapestry Museum to see if there are any analogs.
And, as a first pass guess, it looks like a no. Halley's comet isn't due until 2061 so the current reprisals probably won't be a re-enactment of 1066.*

*On the tapestry the comet flies across the top as the people watch and point:
(segment 32 on the digitized panorama) 

And from The Register, August 2:

WeRedEvils alleges successful attack on infrastructure, including data theft

Israel-based hacktivists are taking credit for an ongoing internet outage in Iran.

Operating under the name WeRedEvils, the group has been around since at least October 2023, likely as a direct consequence of Hamas's attack on Israel, which led to the current Gaza war.

"In the coming minutes we will attack systems and internet providers in Iran," WeRedEvils said on Telegram yesterday. "A hard blow is on the way."

By the group's own account, the attack was a success, claiming it had been able to infiltrate Iran's computer systems, steal data, and cause an internet outage. The group claimed they'd passed the stolen info to the Israeli government.

As proof, WeRedEvils pointed out that the website for the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology – – is currently down, as are most other websites for Iran's ministries, which spat out "took too long to respond" errors. Some sites also gave 403 errors, which might just indicate this vulture wasn't allowed to visit.

The Register could only find two government ministry pages that were accessible in the US – the one for the country's Culture Ministry, and the one for its Foreign Affairs Ministry....


Meanwhile, President Biden is reported to be crabby because Israel didn't give him a heads-up on the assassination of Haniyeh. That's possibly just to establish a plausible deniability, belied by the fact that the U.S. is moving warships closer to Iran.

Also at The Register, this time August 1:

Is AI going to pay its way? Wall Street wants tech world to show it the money
2025 could be Peak Nvidia when reality finally kicks in