Monday, August 5, 2024

Iran: "Advisor to IRGC Commander: Zionist Regime Will Not See 80th Birthday, Heavy Blow Awaiting It"

Lifted in toto from Iran's Fars News,

An advisor to the commander-in-chief of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) emphasized that the Zionist regime, through its mistake in assassinating Hamas leader martyr Ismail Haniyeh, will receive an unpredictable blow, adding that the Israeli regime will not see its 80th birthday.

On Sunday morning, Hossein Taeb, speaking to a gathering of Basij university professors in Mashhad in Northeastern Iran, referred to the anti-Zionist operation " Al-Aqsa Storm" carried out by Palestinian resistance factions as the pinnacle of the defeat of the Zionist regime and the United States. 

He said Israel wants to compensate for its defeat in this operation by fomenting war in the region and dragging the US and the West into these conflicts.

Taeb said the operations to assassinate Ismail Haniyeh and the commander of the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, were carried out by Israel with American permission.

He stated that the Zionist regime, through its mistake in assassinating Haniyeh, will suffer an unpredictable blow.The advisor to the IRGC commander, referred to the power of the resistance front, adding that today the resistance, despite its asymmetric warfare tactics, is a coordinated front whose elements operate in harmony from Yemen to Iraq and Lebanon.

A quick check of the encyclopedia puts the birthday bash at May 14, 2028.