Monday, January 8, 2024

"Navy forced to recruit nuclear Rear-Admiral on LinkedIn amid staffing crisis"


From The Express January 6:

The Royal Navy says no serving sailor is suitable to replace Rear-Admiral Simon Asquith, the current director of submarines

The Royal Navy has been forced to advertise for a top-ranking role on social media amid a massive recruitment struggle.

It is currently looking for a Rear-Admiral to look after the United Kingdom's nuclear deterrent. But with no serving sailor suitable of replacing current director of submarines, Rear-Admiral Simon Asquith, the Navy has turned to LinkedIn.

Defence sources claim Navy bosses hope to attract or a retired officer who commanded submarines during their career. They hope they would then be able to take over the £150,000-a-year role.

The advertisement said candidates must be a member of the reserves or have previously served in the Armed Forces. If chose then would be responsible for "highly classified stealth, elite operations and Trident, our nuclear deterrent”.....


These are the "boomers" the subs that get the Prime Minister's Letters of Last Resort detailing what to do should contact with London be lost due to a nuclear attack and where to journey to ride out Armageddon. What's next, replace the Naval Anthem with Yakety Sax?

No, Yakety Sax should be reserved for more dignified uses.