Thursday, December 7, 2023

"Wharton Board of Advisors calls for change in Penn leadership after Magill testimony uproar"

Business school flex. 

No such action from Harvard's business school, perhaps because the P.R. peeps basically made President Gay come out and say: My testimony to Congress notwithstanding, we're actually against calls to genocide here at Harvard. No word on the famous trade school down the river, MIT, yet.

From The Daily Pennsylvanian, december 7:

The Wharton Board of Advisors is calling on the University to change leadership with "immediate effect," according to a letter to Penn President Liz Magill first obtained by The Daily Pennsylvanian.

The letter describes the Board's concern about "dangerous and toxic culture" at Penn that they said the University leadership has allowed to exist. The letter adds that the University leadership "does not share the values of our Board."

According to the letter, the Board has held eight sessions since Nov. 16 and had drafted a set of resolutions regarding campus conduct and leadership before the congressional testimony.

"In light of your testimony yesterday before Congress, we demand the University clarify its position regarding any call for harm to any group of people immediately, change any policies that allow such conduct with immediate effect, and discipline all offenders expeditiously," the letter said.

The letter includes three proposed resolutions — which the board reported two weeks ago — from the board meeting on Nov. 16. The resolutions aim to address “standards of behavior,” “leadership and governance,” and “Wharton Board ongoing review.”

The “standards of behavior” proposed resolution said that Wharton community members will not celebrate murder or genocide, use hate speech, or use language that threatens the physical safety of others. The resolution also said that those who violate these standards will “be subject to immediate discipline.”....