Thursday, December 7, 2023

Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Follow-Up: "China Says Biden Plan to Shut It Out of US Battery Supply Chain Violates WTO Rules" (F; TSLA)

Following on ""A bunch of EVs are going to lose their tax credit starting January 1st" (F; TSLA)". 

From Reuters via U.S. News & World Report, December 7:

China said on Thursday that Biden administration plans to limit Chinese content in batteries eligible for generous electric vehicle tax credits from next year violate international trade norms and will disrupt global supply chains.

The plans will make investors in the U.S. electric vehicle (EV) supply chain ineligible for tax credits should they use more than a trace amount of critical materials from China, or other countries deemed a "Foreign Entity of Concern" (FEOC)....


In the earlier story a Nissan and a Volkswagen model were mentioned as having Chinese battery packs, making them ineligible as well as the Ford and Tesla models.