Monday, December 4, 2023

Spot Markets Live—No Ms Kaminska But By Way of Recompense: Tether Terrorists, Easy Financial Conditions and A Fine Rosé Recommendation

I had a friend I've lost track of who did a stint as a metals trader for Marc Rich—he was a pretty good trader, decided to specialize in Russian aluminum and copper, physical, because it allowed him to do stuff with futures and forwards that folks who couldn't deliver didn't get to do. Rich gave him a $50 million deal bankroll. If need be he'd create the deal, find someone who wanted cathodes, then go source the copper, you want logistics, no problem, sure, we can ship through Vladivostok, but the bribes are cheaper at Sovetskaya Gavan, your call. 

Later he got into Russian far east gold, crossing paths with Hambro père.

I bring all this up because after living the armored Mercedes limo lifestyle he got into rosé, buy it, sell it, bottle it, drink it.

And now we have a reformed emerging markets specialist making a similar pitch.

There might be something to this rosé stuff, I shall make inquiries directly. 

From Izabella Kaminska's The Blind Spot, Spot Markets Live December 4:

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