Thursday, January 26, 2023

"MAD VLAD Putin plotting to ‘grab US weapons left behind during Afghan evacuation and seized by Taliban’, Kremlin insider claims"

From The Sun, January 24:

VLADIMIR Putin is plotting to grab weapons seized by the Taliban during the US evacuation of Afghanistan, a so-called Kremlin insider claims.

The Russian tyrant is reportedly in the midst of negotiations with the terror group to recognise the Taliban government.

In return, Putin wants US equipment snatched from Afghanistan by the Taliban to be handed over, according to Telegram channel General SVR, which claims to be fed information by a Kremlin insider.

US troops scrambled to withdraw from Afghanistan in August 2021 as the Taliban surged across the war-torn nation in a matter of weeks.

At the same time as seizing regions, militants plundered stocks of Western artillery.

It is thought Taliban fighters may have stolen as many as half a million US weapons and up to 50,000 vehicles....


The pictures are pretty whack, as the kids used to say.