Sunday, October 9, 2022

Flashback November 2021—"COP26: U.N. Secretary-General Calls For An End To Mining—“we face a stark choice – either we stop it or it stops us”"

Why do I keep harping on the fact that tough decisions are going to have to be made? Because I don't trust, for a minute, the gangrene green gang and their objectives.

First posted November 3, 2021:


From, November 2:

UN at COP26: “Enough of mining…we are digging our own graves”

It did not take long for COP26 to turn into a farce this week with UN Secretary General António Guterres pleading with the gathered highnesses and excellencies to declare enough is enough.

Socialist party ex-PM of Portugal, Guterres delivered a rousing 10-minute speech at the opening ceremony saying (around the 0:45 mark) “we face a stark choice – either we stop it or it stops us”:

“It is time to say enough!

“Enough of treating nature like a toilet, enough of burning and drilling and mining our way deeper. We are digging our own graves.”

Who’s going to tell him?

COP26 will be a colossal mining cop-out

“The International Energy Agency’s annual World Energy Outlook […] is probably the closest thing to a bible in the energy world,” says a Bloomberg article following the publication of the 2021 edition.

Released earlier than usual in time for the Conference of Parties (COP26) starting in Glasgow, this edition – the 44th – “has been designed, exceptionally, as a guidebook to COP26”. 

At 386 pages IEA WEO 2021 is quite the tome (download here). Under Section 6.3.1, you’ll find the energy bible’s take on “critical minerals”.  It is six pages in total. 

Those six pages may be headlined critical minerals, but it’s hard to detect a sense of urgency in Section 6.3.1:

“The rapid deployment of low-carbon technologies as part of clean energy transitions implies a significant increase in demand for critical minerals.”

We have questions....  



September 2022

It's not going to happen on the scale required and the people pitching the substitution of electric vehicles for internal combustion power have known this for twenty years. Anyone with a calculator has known this for twenty years.

As we've pointed out it appears that the ICE vehicles will be forced off the road before there are replacements, in exactly the same way that the European energy crisis was created by making coal, natural gas and in Germany's case nuclear power generation, illegal before you have a replacement ready to go....

September 2022
"New California Bill Will Pay Residents $1,000 for Not Owning a Car"
This ties in to our operating thesis that the goal is not to replace internal combustion engine vehicles but to herd people to public transit....
....As noted a week ago in the outro from ""Tesla’s battery metals bill balloons to $100 billion" (TSLA)"

....Unless there are some significant breakthroughs in battery chemistry, manufacturing and materials sourcing, it looks as if California will be known as the "Walking State" in addition to the current moniker "The Brownout State."
August 2022
"Environmentalists Have Turned On The Lithium Industry"
We are either in a climate emergency or we aren't.Unless of course the goal isn't to replace the internal combustion engine but to reduce mobility for the billions.

May 2021
International Energy Agency: "Clean energy demand for critical minerals set to soar as the world pursues net zero goals"
I am getting the same vibe I get when talking with a very clever rhetorician or playing chess with someone much better than I, that somehow my options are being circumscribed, in ways and for purposes that I don't quite understand.....