Saturday, October 1, 2022

Does King Henry I's Order of 1125 Apply To The BoE and Treasury As Well As To The Royal Mint?

And the LDI packagers, does it apply to the LDI packagers?

From CoinTalk:

"All the moneyers who were in England should be mutilated" 

This was the order given by King Henry I in 1125. Specifically, they should each "lose their right hand and be castrated."1 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Bishop Roger of Salisbury rounded up the moneyers in the city of Winchester and carried out the grisly order. Henry actually had a history of difficulty with the mints of England. Around 1108, Henry ordered that all coins from the mint should be 'snicked;' cut or mutilated before leaving the mint.2 The coins in circulation were being cut to test their purity, and this caused many to not accept the coins, since portions were cut off and made the coins a lesser weight. Henry's solution was for the creation of round half-pennies, and for every full penny to come pre-cut.

In the case of 1125, the Coinage was becoming very debased. In fact, the Chronicler praises Henry's punishment of the moneyers, saying the action was justified because "the man who had a pound could not get a pennyworth at a market.".... 


If interested here is some of the academic work:  
And non-academic: 
The latter part with the cows and the hamburger is me, non-academic. Izzy brings a multi-disciplinary approach to her bit.