Tuesday, October 11, 2022

And In Other News From West Taiwan: A Reaction To Award-Winning Research

The awarders were Americans who hang their hats at Harvard.

From Line Today (which I believe is Hong Kong-ese but has an '.me' domain), some reaction to a 2003 paper, "DOI: 10.1007/s00300-003-0563-3" published in Springer's Polar Biology which won the 2005 Ig Nobel Prize in Fluid Dynamics, as run through Google Translate: 

The most special fighting method! Hundreds of penguins' mutual anti-aircraft guns' pictures exposed on the Internet: super evil

Penguins are cute and lovable beings in the hearts of many people. Everyone's first impression of them may be a picture of a healing swaying and walking, but few people know that penguins have the most unique "fighting style" among animals. "One of them is "spraying excrement to each other!" Recently, after the "Frozen Planet II" documentary produced by "BBC" was broadcast, this picture of "Qipupu" was exposed, which caused heated discussions among netizens. , shouting "too disgusting!"

"The Sun" reported that the "BBC" documentary series hosted by Sir David Attenborough has been entertaining audiences with a real and original perspective. The recent broadcast of "Frozen Planet II" also exposed the penguin fight. The "secret move." It can be seen in the film that thousands of penguins are fighting fiercely on an island. They turn their anus towards their companions and spray excrement like an "aircraft gun", leaving large excrement traces all over the ground. The picture is quite amazing.

After the documentary was broadcast, many viewers were stunned and said, "Oh my God! I lost interest in penguins", "I originally planned to watch TV while eating, but now I have no appetite", "I dare not approach penguins anymore" , "I didn't think penguins had this trick, it's amazing!", "Imagine if it was a human doing this..."

In fact, as early as 2005, scientists studied the "spray distance and color" of penguin excrement and won the Ig Nobel Prize.....


Ah nature.

Here's the original: https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/DRL0XGw

And here is the list of the other 2005 winners including Peace, Medicine, Literature, Economics, the whole schmear.

And we'll be back this weekend with a look at the 2022 awardees. 

Meanwhile, contra Elon Musk:
