Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Agriculture: Billionaires Betting Big

From TechCrunch:
With fresh support from its billionaire backers Pivot Bio is ushering in a farming revolution
In the first decade of the twentieth century two German chemists, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, invented fertilizer — the nitrogen compound which ushered in modern agriculture and saved the world from potential starvation.

Now, over a century later, a new group of scientists backed by government-owned international investment funds and some of the world’s wealthiest men and women is trying to save the world from their invention.

In the hundred years since companies began manufacturing fertilizer at an industrial scale, the chemical has become one of the main sources of the pollution that’s choking the planet and putting millions of the lives its use has helped to feed at risk from severe droughts, fires, floods, and storms caused by climate change.

That’s why investors including Breakthrough Energy Ventures (the investment fund backed by Mukesh Ambani, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Masayoshi Son) and the Singapore-owned investment fund Temasek along with DCVC; Prelude Ventures; Spruce Capital Partners; Codon Capital; Bunge Ventures; Continental Grain Company; Tekfen Ventures; Pavilion Capital; and individual investors Alan Cohen and Roger Underwood have backed Pivot Bio with a new $100 million investment.

Pivot uses genetically edited microbes to replicate the work that naturally occurring bacteria had done for millions of years to fix nitrogen in the soil, where it could be absorbed through plants’ root structures....MUCH MORE
As far as ag investments go, nine-figure rounds are not that common, a couple salmon farmers and a handful of "plant-based protein" (it's all plant-based) companies and maybe two of the vertical farm companies.

We keep an eye on what Temasek is doing. They aren't as flashy as their Silicon Valley brethren but they have a nose for sniffing out where the money will flow, both in venture and in private equity.