From, May 18:
[Editor’s Note: Mad Scientist Laboratory is pleased to feature the work of Richard Buchter,
Army Futures Command Combat Capability Development Command Army
Research Laboratory Computational and Information Sciences Directorate
(AFC CCDC ARL/CISD). After spending considerable time and effort
researching potentially game changing technologies that could support Army Modernization Priorities (AMP), Mr. Buchter has created an innovative Table of Future Technologies
that uses the familiar Periodic Table from Chemistry as a construct to
both highlight his team’s research and provide us with a useful single
portal with which to explore emergent tech across three time horizons
plus an additional category of “wild cards.” Read on to learn how the
table was constructed, how to use and decipher the information it
contains, and highlights from each of the time horizons and wild cards —
The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) was recently chartered by the Army Futures Command
(AFC) to apprise it of potential future technologies that may inform
Army leadership to help shape future decisions. To support this, along
with other AFC taskings, ARL stood up Task Force (TF) Ignite. Under TF Ignite is the Technology Transition Team (T3) work group from which this concept originated.
This post and the associated table provides one means of easily
viewing emerging technologies and accessing references for further
information about new technologies of potential interest.....