Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"Did Satoshi Nakamoto Write This Book Excerpt? A WIRED Investigation"

First up, from the Nakamoto Family Foundation, June 29:
Announcing the first excerpt to a literary work consisting of two parts. The excerpt is provided. I wanted to include it as a brief glimpse of history. Even for those that can't read the full book, I wanted to make this available to everyone. A short story if you will, with some of the most brought up questions and answers. I wanted the people and the facts to be known. Or as much of it. I'm still saving most for the books, the best parts hopefully. It's currently just a possibility for now. In the meantime the excerpt is included.

Links with information about the book (if it comes to frution) will be posted here on this site in the coming month.
Names to both are in this puzzle to solve, for those who want spoilers head down to the excerpt: cryptopuzzle

- Convert letters to numbers
- Numbers like 1 represent the letter B, it is in mixed order
- Title of book broken into two parts is revealed at the end

The two part series is still alpha and experimental. There's no guarantee the book will ever come to be, unless it becomes necessary and people want to know about me personally.

In order to figure out the names for them, I have created a simple cryptogram. It is ridiculously easy for anyone to solve, regardless of age. No bruteforce needed. I also will provide the approximate release dates later on in the case they do get made.

I would like to maintain that there were many who contributed to this project, many names of which were not included, individuals who for whatever reason have chosen not to go public and therefore out of respect, I did not include them. Once these conversations are in the public domain to include them in the possible series, I will do so. But to be certain, there are countless conversations I found to be enlightening that I hope make it to be part of the story. There will be many new names and individuals appearing throughout the book in any case, as it is a story about my personal life. Those willing to share these conversations should, for the public

29 June 2018

Paper: Duality: An excerpt

Satoshi Nakamoto
And from Wired, July 1:
Years have gone by since any new piece of writing has appeared by Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of bitcoin. But on Friday night, someone claiming to be Nakomoto published 21 pages of new material—a sneak preview, allegedly, of a book about the cryptocurrency’s origins.
The excerpt appeared at 11:45 p.m., on a website,, anonymously purchased three days ago via Amazon’s domain registrar. A proxy also established contact with WIRED on the self-proclaimed Nakamoto’s behalf.

Ever since bitcoin’s anonymous creation, numerous people have come forward claiming to be Nakamoto; online conspiracy theories and journalistic investigations have fingered one Satoshi after another. A widely debunked 2014 Newsweek magazine article pointed to a Japanese-American man in California; in 2015, WIRED reported that Australian academic Craig Wright “was either the inventor of Bitcoin … or a hoaxer.” Wright continues to push that he’s Nakamoto, even tweeting Friday in a cryptic message that he would soon prove it and, over the weekend, tweeting without elaboration that the “new” Nakamoto writings were a fraud: “Nakamotofamilyfoundation cannot get the dates nor technical details correct.”

In all that time, no one has proven themselves to be Nakamoto to the satisfaction of the members of the cryptographic community that helped give birth to bitcoin. As skeptics in the cryptography community have repeatedly pointed out, the true Satoshi ought to have access to the cryptographic keys that control the first bitcoins—coins that have stayed put for a decade. If someone purporting to be Nakamoto were to move one of those coins to a different address or sign something with keys that only Satoshi has, that would be a pretty good form of verification.
This new Nakamoto—who still does not want his real identity revealed—declined to move any coins or sign anything with his own keys. “He” (if it is a him) is not, according to information provided to WIRED, any of the three leading Nakamoto suspects: Wright, Nick Szabo, or Dorian Nakamoto, the person identified previously by Newsweek.
WIRED reached out to several members of the early bitcoin community in an attempt to verify the authenticity of the excerpt—and came back, as has happened every time Satoshi Nakamoto is sighted in the wild, with inconclusive answers.

Bitcoin, He Wrote
The excerpt, which this Nakamoto describes as a “short story,” includes a cryptogram that he says reveals the title of his forthcoming book. The simple numbers-for-letters substitution yields the words “Honne and Tatamae,” a transliteration of a Japanese phrase meant to convey the contrast between a person’s private feelings and their public behavior. Similarly, the excerpt is entitled “Duality.”
The text of the excerpt contains a smattering of potentially new, identifying details. Nakamoto describes his mother is an author (“albeit small circulation”) and his grandmother as the founder of a very small publishing company. At age 14, he writes, he was drawn into the cypherpunk community, “where anonymity was as fundamental as breathing.” He says he was in his 20s when he began posting about bitcoin while working as a university researcher in a lab, and that he came up with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto because it was the Japanese “equivalent of ‘John Smith’”—though he all but confirms that he is not Japanese....MUCH MORE