Thursday, February 1, 2018

"Percentage of EU Citizens Who Have A Positive View Of The UK" (by country)

From  Brilliant Maps, January 18:
Percentage of EU Citizens Who Have A Positive View Of The UK
Map created by the European Commission for Special Eurobarometer 467; Data from September-October 2017
The map above shows the percentage of EU citizens in each member country who have a positive view or image of the United Kingdom.

The survey data was taken in September and October 2017, so should take into account any feelings about Brexit.

Unsurprisingly, the British had the most positive view of the UK with 80% holding positive views and 15% holding negative views.

However, this was followed very closely by the Czechs who also had 80% holding positive views but 16% holding negative views.

The country with the lowest opinion of the UK is Luxembourg where only 47% of people have positive views and 45% have negative views, followed by Germany, Greece and France.
Ranked from most to least positive you have:...MORE
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