Friday, October 5, 2012

Oh Great, Here Come the Nazis (Greece's Golden Dawn Party Now at 22%)

Back in May they were at less than 7%.

Here are the results of the June 17 election (Wikipedia):

Members 300
Current Structure of the Hellenic Parliament
Political groups Government
Official Opposition
Other opposition
XA = Golden Dawn = 6%.
KKE = Communist  = 3%

And here's the headline story from Digital Journal (Sept. 19):

New poll shows popularity of Greece's Golden Dawn at 22 percent
Greece's political barometer for September has revealed that 54 percent of Greeks do not trust any political party. The measure of the popularity of political parties has shown a dramatic swing in favour of Golden Dawn (Chrysi Avgi). 
Whilst politicians are held in low regard and more than half of Greek citizens are so disillusioned with the political process that 54 percent no longer trust any political party, there are a few notable changes in the political landscape. 
A report in shows that the popularity of the the ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn has risen 10 points since May, winning the party a popularity score of 22 percent. Moreover, their share of the vote as evidenced in polls for September, now stands at 13 percent. According to Ekathimerini the popularity of Golden Dawn's leader Nikos Mihalolioakos has risen eight points since May to 22 percent...MORE
Here's the Golden Dawn banner:
 Chrisi Avgi Logo.svg 

For comparison, here's how the Nazis and Communists fared in Germany:

December 1924
Communist Party of Germany............... .9%
National Socialist Freedom Movement ..3%

Communist .10.6%


July 1932

March 1933

On January 30, 1933 President Von Hindenburg named Hitler Chancellor of Germany. The Nazis held a parade.

Below: Nazi stormtroopers parade through the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate the dawn of a new era.

In the November 1933 election the National Socialists won 92.11% of the vote.

One final point. The Weimar hyperinflation ran from June 1921 to January 1924. with the sweet spot, if you can call it that, being March to November 1923. The Nazis attempted to start the revolution in Munich on November 8th. The Putsch failed.

The point of this data dump and discourse?

The hyperinflation didn't bring the Nazis to power, that happened during the deflationary depression.
And Golden Dawn is ahead of where the Nazis were in 1928.