Let's see if I can count this up....
70 day CMBs, $30 billion (tomorrow)
13 week Bills, $32 billion (July 27th)
26 week Bills, $31 billion (July 27th)
52 week Bills, $27 billion (July 28th)
2 year Notes, $42 billion (July 28th)
5 year Notes, $39 billion (July 29th)
7 year Notes, $28 billion (July 30th)
19 year, 6 month TIPS (reopened), $6 billion (July 27th)That's two hundred thirty-five billion dollars over the next week!
Almost one quarter of a trillion....... geejus....MORE
Thursday, July 23, 2009
HOLY !@#!! Treasury Auction Schedule ($230 Billion in the next week?)
From Market Ticker: