Sunday, June 23, 2024

"China controls the graphite supply chain, but Bill Gates-backed startup Molten Industries is looking to change that..."

Not to be confused with the ill-fated Molten Metals Technology.

From Bloomberg, June 20:

Key EV Battery Material Can Come From a Surprising Source: Methane
China controls the graphite supply chain, but Bill Gates-backed startup Molten Industries is looking to change that by creating the material from gas.

Graphite is key to manufacturing the lithium-ion batteries that power everything from electric cars to smartphones. While China is the world’s top producer and exporter of the crystalline carbon, there’s been a push to grow a US supply chain.

Oakland-based startup Molten Industries is working to build it by relying on something that’s cheap and abundant in the US: natural gas. The company has developed a specialized technique to break methane into graphite and hydrogen, the latter of which can be used as a source of clean energy. The effort is funded in part by a $25 million Series A financing round led by Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV). 

“This is at the intersection of two really important climate tech theme areas for us at Breakthrough: making batteries scaleable and more cost-effective to drive EV sales to grow, and on the other side, low-cost clean hydrogen,” said BEV Managing Director David Danielson.  

Big automotive companies are hungry for low-cost, reliable domestic graphite due to international supply chain issues, he added. Graphite is typically mined or made synthetically from fossil fuels, and China controls about three-quarters of the world’s graphite anode supply chain, according to data from mineral intelligence firm Benchmark....