Sunday, July 9, 2023

Why Did President Biden Say 'We've Run out of Ammunition'?

First up, here's the clip, he's answering the question "Why now?" regarding his approval of U.S. cluster bombs in Ukraine:

Here's a similar comment, importantly different in "who" is running out of ammunition. From CNN, July 7:

CNN Exclusive: Biden says sending cluster munitions to Ukraine was ‘difficult decision,’ but ‘they needed them’ 

 Biden told Zakaria that the cluster munitions were being sent as a “transition period” until the US is able to produce more 155mm artillery.

“This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it,” Biden said. “And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period, while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians.” ....


Here's the same confusion, iNews UK:
Russia Ukraine war: Biden wants to send cluster munitions because the US is running out of ammo

And Insider:
Biden said he decided to send Ukraine controversial cluster bombs because Kyiv is 'running out of ammunition'

So if the U.S. hasn't run out of ammunition, why aren't we sending a half-million artillery shells to Ukraine?

Meanwhile, via the BBC yesterday:
Ukraine war: Pressure builds on South Korea to send arms to Kyiv

These headlines may have been incorrect:
And dozens hundreds more. Here's one quoting the former head of the U.S. Army Europe, March 15, 2022:
I think I'm beginning to understand why he retired as a Lieutenant General and never made full General.