Sunday, July 2, 2023

"Rioters assault home of French mayor, injure his wife"

From Reuters, July 2, 2023:

Rioters ram-raided the home of a Paris suburb mayor, set the car alight and launched fireworks at his wife and young children as they fled during a fifth night of nationwide unrest over Tuesday's police shooting of a teen of North African descent.

Vincent Jeanbrun, 39, the centre-right mayor of the southern suburb of L'Hay-les-Roses, was at the town hall when his house was attacked with his wife Melanie and children asleep inside.

The aggressors drove their vehicle at the suburban house but were halted by a low wall ringing the property's outdoor terrace, the local public prosecutor said. They then torched their vehicle.

As Jeanbrun's wife and children, aged 5 and 7, took flight through the back yard, they were targeted with fireworks. Jeanbrun told Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne his wife had had surgery to a broken leg and faced a three-month rehabilitation.

"While attempting to shield them and fleeing the attackers, my wife and one of my children were hurt," the mayor said....