Monday, September 6, 2021

"'A Complex Form of Empathy': Boars Hatch Breakout Plan to Save Two Caged Piglets"

From Business Insider via ScienceAlert (which seems to be a bit of Turnabout is Fair Play) September 4:

A wild boar carried out a daring mission to free two piglets from a trap, demonstrating high levels of intelligence and empathy, a new paper published in Scientific Reports shows.

The incident, which occurred in January 2020, was documented by a team of scientists from the Czech University of Life Sciences at the Voděradské Bučiny National Nature Reserve.

The wild boar trap, which used corn as bait, had been set up to help researchers study prevention measures for African Swine Fever.

A camera captured images of two juvenile boars becoming entrapped together for two hours and 30 minutes.

A group of around eight wild boars eventually arrived at the site of the trap, led by one fully grown female boar. 

In an attempt to free the trapped boars, the female boar charged at strategic points where wooden logs were blocking the doors of the trap.

The report said the female boar's mane was visibly erect, known as piloerection, which scientists said is an indication of distress. 

Researchers said that it appeared that the other boars were attempting to help the female with the rescue operation.

Within six minutes of beginning the rescue attempt, the female boar released the first log blocking the front of the trap....


I'm probably missing something but I'm not sure what the big deal is. Animals conceive and execute plans all the time: 

Breaking Quarantine: "Baboon ready for vasectomy escapes with 2 female pals"

Hmmm....maybe the word 'conceive' is infelicitous in this usage.

Plus, unless we have porcine gender benders, boars are male. A female wild pig is a sow.
Not that there's anything wrong with her being more comfortable as a him. Or vice-versa.
If you prefer your vice, versa. Just don't frighten the horses.