Thursday, June 10, 2021

Deutsche Bank Research: "What's in the tails? - Inflation: The defining macro story of this decade"

I realized the earlier "Why One Bank Thinks ESG Could Trigger Hyperinflation" didn't have a link to the actual report. Here's one pathway via the homepage of David Folkerts-Landau, DB's Group Chief Economist and Global Head of Research (the direct link to the report, below, is hit or miss).

And do note: Nowhere in the report is the word hyperinflation used.* That is all on ZeroHedge. 
(the rest of the ZH post fairly presents the part the report they chose to focus on)


DB Research is home to a broad church of views but we coalesce around a House View for our key macro forecasts. This will certainly continue. However, in these extraordinary times, the range of outcomes is wide. So, in the interest of intellectual diversity I have encouraged our research group to leave their comfort zone and carefully consider alternative viewpoints.With this in mind, we intend to publish occasional papers under the new “What’s in the tails?” banner. We hope this will stimulate debate with our clients by providing what we consider reasonable alternatives to the central forecasts and scenarios.To kick this series off, I have joined my colleagues Jim Reid and Peter Hooper in examining the potential for higher inflation and a return of boom/bust cycles over the next few years.

—David Folkerts-Landau – DB Chief Economist and Head of Research

....MUCH MORE (18 page PDF)

*As we explained in the original link to ZH, the word 'hyperinflation' has a specific meaning and it is not "really, really high inflation."