Brent-WTI Spread Drops to Another 52-week Low
Bespoke Investment Group:
While gold has been hogging the headlines of the commodity space in
recent weeks, there has been a notable move within the oil space over
the last several weeks as well. It was only a little more than two
months ago that a barrel of Brent crude oil (global benchmark price) was
$23 more than a barrel of WTI (US benchmark price). Today, the spread
between the two dropped to $10.50, which is the lowest level since
January 2012.
Historically (prior to the last three years), WTI crude has traded
right around the same level as Brent crude, so there is still a ways to
go before we get back to that type of environment. It is still
encouraging, though, to see the spread between the two benchmark prices
narrowing. Gas prices have typically been more sensitive to moves in
Brent crude oil, so any move that makes Brent crude oil cheaper on a
relative and/or absolute basis is good for prices at the pump.