More Than Three Billion People in the World Condemned to Premature Death from Hunger and Thirst
by Fidel Castro Ruz,
March 29, 2007
...Where are the more than 500 million tons of corn and other cereals which the United States, Europe and wealthy nations require to produce the gallons of ethanol that big companies in the United States and other countries demand in exchange for their voluminous investments going to be produced and who is going to supply them? Where are the soy, sunflower and rape seeds, whose essential oils these same, wealthy nations are to turn into fuel, going to be produced and who will produce them?
An Immediate Energy Revolution is Essential
by Fidel Castro Ruz
May 1 2007
I hold nothing against Brazil, even though to more than a few Brazilians continuously bombarded
with the most diverse arguments that could well confuse even people who traditionally have been friendly to Cuba, we might sound callous and careless about hurting that country’s net
income of hard currency. However, for me to keep silent would be to opt between the idea of a world tragedy and a presumed benefit for the people of that great nation.
From: Socialist Voice (14 page PDF)