Thursday, October 17, 2024

There's A New High-Buck Perfume On The Market

From Potato News Today, October 15:

‘Eau de Spud’: Perfumer creates luxury scent evoking smell of Polish potatoes, going viral in Poland and abroad

When life gives you potatoes, make perfume!… A Polish perfumer has unveiled a unique luxury fragrance that captures the earthy aroma of Polish potatoes, transforming the humble staple into an unexpected and sophisticated scent.

As Karolina Shapland reports in an article published by TVP World, few, if any, perfumers have been inspired to create a scent inspired by distant memories of trips to Polish vegetable markets in the 1980s, but Michał Gilbert Lach is one of them – or, more probably, the only one.

His memories of those long-gone trips with his grandparents have inspired him to create a perfume that he has called Polish Potato. The scent is the subject of a flurry of social media activity.

People, of course, are surprised that anyone would be so bold to create and market a perfume named after a humdrum and ubiquitous vegetable; hence the flurry.

But, as Lach tells TVP World, the scent is created to take people back to a certain moment in his life and the rich and evocative memories that surround it....


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For some reason this story reminded me we haven't visited Modern Drunkard in a while.