Sunday, October 20, 2024

"Canadian doctors reveal regret over euthanizing patients who were simply obese or poor"

As noted in the introduction to July 2022's "ICYMI: Canada Expanded The Criteria For Euthanasia To Include Those Suffering Solely From Mental Illness":

Just like the Nazis. 

And then it was a straight line from Aktion T4 to Aktion Reinhard....

More on that straight line after the jump.

From the Daily Mail, Oct 16, 2024:

Canada’s doctors are raising grave concerns about a rising trend in euthanizing people who are not terminally ill.

Newly-unearthed communications reveal many physicians charged with carrying out assisted dying have found the loosening of criteria 'morally distressing.'

In 2021, Canada expanded its medical dying law to include people with incurable - but not terminal - illnesses, which led to a 30 percent increase in assisted deaths in 2022.

A doctor in Ontario wrote in his patient’s report that while the man had a severe lung disease, what drove him to euthanasia was ‘mostly because he is homeless, in debt and cannot tolerate the idea of (long-term care) of any kind.’

In another case, a doctor expressed their conflict at providing euthanasia to a patient simply because she was obese and depressed. Meanwhile, an elderly woman wanted to die because she was struggling with the grief of losing her husband....


That July 2022 post was followed in October 2022 with "Canadian Assisted Suicide As Government Social Safety Net"

That seems to be the direction Trudeau and Freeland are going:
Follow-Up: Euthanasia Is Now The Sixth-Leading Cause Of Death In Canada

I blame his mother and her grandfather.

The outro from that post:

For folks who aren't familiar with how an actual totalitarian regime evolved, Aktion T4 was the Nazi euthanasia program while Aktion Reinhard was the Nazi murder factory operation that followed and coexisted with the open-air-mass-murder operation of Heydrich et al - the EinsatzgrĪ‹ppen at Babi Yar in Ukraine, the Harvest Festival, (Erntefest) across the border in Lublin Poland and in 10,000 other places in Eastern Europe and Russia.

We posted the "ICYMI" on the anniversary of the most famous of the attempts to assassinate Hitler.

The direct line is not hyperbole or even shorthand for what happened. Dozens of T4 personnel went on to industrial-scale Jew killing, including the likes of Irmfried Eberl, medical director of two of the euthanasia facilities who became the first commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp—second only to Auschwitz in total number killed.

Christian Wirth went from T4 to commandant at the Belzec extermination camp to overseer of all the Reinhard camps, effectively taking control of Treblinka and Sobibor as well.

Franz Stangl went from being a deputy at two of the euthanasia centers to being the first commandant at Sobibor, then moving to Treblinka to succeed Eberl.

Franz Reichleitner, another T4 alumnus took over Sobibor, and after the revolt and subsequent closing of that camp went to kill Jews in northern Italy.

If interested Kenyon College's Bulmash Collection has a short overview of Aktion T4. 

And how does this tie in with our earlier post on the media?

The two things a democracy requires from journalism is truth (or less portentously, accuracy) and holding power to account. If the journos don't do that they are worse than useless.

As has been shown over the last few years, Russiagate was "The Big Lie", as practiced by Hitler and then Goebbels.

(The Columbia Journalism Review Destroys The New York Times Over Their Russiagate/Trump Coverage)

And the problem with basing your politics on the big lie is that there is a straight line from the lie in 1925 to the establishment of Dachau for political prisoners in 1933 to Aktion T4 beginning in 1939 to the Holocaust by Bullets beginning in early summer 1941 to the mass-murder factories in early 1942.

Straight line. The first of the twelve Nuremberg Trials was the Doctor's Trial.