Friday, August 2, 2024

Nvidia Responds To Calls For Antitrust Probe (NVDA)

I've never seen a response quite like this one, basically "Be not afraid."

From Reuters, August 1:

US progressives push for Nvidia antitrust investigation

U.S. progressive groups and Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren pressed the Department of Justice to investigate Nvidia over competition concerns, citing the company's dominance of the market for the chips driving the artificial-intelligence boom.Demand Progress and nine other groups wrote a letter this week urging Department of Justice antitrust chief Jonathan Kanter to probe business practices at Nvidia, whose market value hit $3 trillion this summer on demand for chips able to run the complex models behind generative AI.

The groups, which oppose monopolies and promote government oversight of tech companies, among other issues, took aim at Nvidia's bundling of software and hardware, a practice that French antitrust enforcers have flagged as they prepare to bring charges.
"This aggressively proprietary approach, which is strongly contrary to industry norms about collaboration and interoperability, acts to lock in customers and stifles innovation," the groups wrote.
In June, Reuters reported a deal was reached among U.S. regulators that directs the Justice Department to oversee potential antitrust probes into Nvidia, while the Federal Trade Commission is looking at Microsoft  and OpenAI.
An Nvidia spokesperson said the company spent billions of dollars developing AI-capable computing technology before demand existed, and is "committed to opening new markets and growth opportunities for our partner ecosystem."
"Regulators need not be concerned, as we scrupulously adhere to all laws and ensure that NVIDIA is openly available in every cloud and on-prem for every enterprise," the spokesperson said. "We'll continue to support aspiring innovators in every industry and market and are happy to provide any information regulators need."....