Monday, August 12, 2024

Freedom Of Speech: "Conviction of Hong Kong activist Jimmy Lai ‘unjust’, says Chris Patten"

First up, from the Associated Press, August 12:

HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong’s top court on Monday upheld the convictions of seven of Hong Kong’s most prominent pro-democracy activists over their roles in one of the biggest anti-government protests in 2019.

Jimmy Lai, founder of the now-defunct Apple Daily newspaper; Martin Lee, the founding chairman of the city’s Democratic Party; and five former pro-democracy lawmakers were found guilty in 2021 of organizing and participating in an unauthorized assembly.

Their convictions dealt a blow to the city’s flagging pro-democracy movement during a political crackdown on dissidents following the protests.

Last year, the activists partially won their appeal at a lower court, with their convictions quashed over the charge of organizing an unauthorized assembly. But their convictions over taking part in the assembly were upheld and they continued their legal battle at the city’s top court....


Also freedom of the press and freedom of association but who's counting?  

The headline story with the comments of the former Governor of Hong Kong is at The Guardian.