Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Inflation: CPI Comes In A Bit Hotter Than Expected

Most of the guesstimates centered around 0.2% for January.

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics, February 13:


The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent in January on a
seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.2 percent in December, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.1 percent before seasonal

The index for shelter continued to rise in January, increasing 0.6 percent and contributing over two
thirds of the monthly all items increase. The food index increased 0.4 percent in January, as the food
at home index increased 0.4 percent and the food away from home index rose 0.5 percent over the month.
In contrast, the energy index fell 0.9 percent over the month due in large part to the decline in the
gasoline index.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in January. Indexes which increased in
January include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, and medical care. The index for used cars and trucks
and the index for apparel were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.1 percent for the 12 months ending January, a smaller increase than the
3.4-percent increase for the 12 months ending December. The all items less food and energy index rose
3.9 percent over the last 12 months, the same increase as for the 12 months ending December. The energy
index decreased 4.6 percent for the 12 months ending January, while the food index increased 2.6
percent over the last year....

The food index rose 0.4 percent in January, and the food at home index also increased 0.4 percent over
the month. Four of the six major grocery store food group indexes increased over the month. The index
for other food at home, which contains the index for sugar and sweets, the index for fats and oils, and
the index for other foods, rose 0.6 percent in January. The nonalcoholic beverages index rose 1.2
percent over the month, and the fruits and vegetables index increased 0.4 percent. The index for dairy
and related products increased 0.2 percent in January. In contrast to these increases, the cereals and
bakery products index declined 0.2 percent in January. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs was
unchanged over the month.

The food away from home index rose 0.5 percent in January. The index for full service meals rose 0.4
percent and the index for limited service meals increased 0.6 percent over the month. 

The food at home index rose 1.2 percent over the last 12 months. The index for other food at home rose
2.6 percent over the 12 months ending in January. The index for nonalcoholic beverages rose 3.4 percent
over the last 12 months and the index for cereals and bakery products increased 1.5 percent over that
period. The fruits and vegetables index rose 1.1 percent over the 12 months ending in January. In
comparison, the meats, poultry, fish, and eggs index decreased 0.9 percent over the year, and the dairy
and related products index fell 1.1 percent. 

The index for food away from home rose 5.1 percent over the last year. The index for limited service
meals rose 5.8 percent over the last 12 months, and the index for full service meals rose 4.3 percent
over the same period. 

....MUCH MORE, tables and discussion 
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