Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Bill Ackman Copies Author Michael Crichton Without Acknowledgement, Feb 10

 Here's a tweet from Mr. Ackman a few days ago:

I am sure all of us have had the experience of reading a story about a subject you know well and finding it replete with inaccuracies and falsehoods. One then turns the page and reads an article about a subject one knows less well and makes the mistake of believing that this other story is accurate. I am guilty of this sin....


Here is a speech Crichton gave in 2002, referenced in a column by In-Q-Tel's Chief Information Security Officer for the Advanced Computing Systems Association.

This version is the copy archived by the Wayback Machine from Mr. Crichton's website. The redesigned Crichton website seems not to have the speech.
It is also archived at DocDroid with an added quote from Mark Twain.

Given in La Jolla, California, at the International Leadership Forum on April 26, 2002  

....Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect works as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward-reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story-and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read with renewed interest as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about far-off Palestine than it was about the story you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.....

—Via our post "Michael Crichton On Speculation By (and in) the Media", March 24, 2019

I don't think it's willful plagiarism but there are enough points of simalarity that one could make the big "P" case. If so, a citation to Crichton's speech would have been interesting for Ackman's followers.