Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Shia Iran Missile Attack On Sunni Pakistan

From The Guardian, January 16:

Middle East crisis live: Iran destroys ‘Sunni militant bases’ in Pakistan; US launches fresh Red Sea strikes against Houthis...


I did not intend to start the year harping on Sunni-Shia differences but here we are. 

Iran has attacked Pakistani territory previously and that always seemed a bit, as the kids used to say, whack.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons. And they very pointedly reminded Iran of the fact in 2016:

Pakistan Threatens To Wipe Iran Off the Face of The Earth If Saudi Arabia Threatened

"Afghan Taliban Leaders Silent After Reports Of Secret Visit To North Korea By Official Taliban Delegation Seeking Nuclear Weapons"

Just A Reminder: "The World's Densest Network of Oil Pipelines Runs Through Sunni Saudi Arabia's Shia Heartland."

If interested some previous links are embedded in 2016's "Oil Stuff We Think About: Sunni, Shi'a, Oil and Nukes"