Friday, January 19, 2024

"Goldman Sachs’s Information Chief Predicts Top A.I. Trends For 2024"

Goldman interviews Goldman via Observer, January 17:

"A.I. went through the whole hype cycle faster than any other technology I’ve seen. Now we are at the stage where we expect to execute on some of the experiments and expect a return."

The emergence of generative artificial intelligence is moving much more quickly than previous technology waves. It took years for companies to find the right mix of on-premises and cloud-based computing seen in today’s hybrid cloud, for example. But Goldman Sachs (GS) Chief Information Officer Marco Argenti expects we are already on the cusp of a hybrid A.I. ecosystem that will help companies exploit the opportunities generative A.I. presents.

In an interview with Goldman Sachs in December 2023, Argenti discussed hybrid A.I. and the other trends he expects will matter the most in the coming year.

Goldman Sachs: You see a hybrid A.I. model developing. What will that look like?

Marco Argenti: At the beginning everyone wanted to train their own model, build their own proprietary model with proprietary data, keeping the data largely on-premises to allow for tight control. Then people started to appreciate that, in order to get the level of performance of the large models, you needed to replicate an infrastructure that was simply too expensive—investments in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

At the same time, some of those larger models began to be appreciated for some emerging abilities, around reasoning, problem solving, and logic—around the ability to break complex problems into smaller ones and then orchestrate a chain of thought around that.

Hybrid A.I. is where you are using these larger models as the brain that interprets the prompt and what the user wants, or the orchestrator that spells out tasks to a number of worker models specialized for a specific task. Those are generally open-source, and they are often on-premises or on virtual private clouds, because they are smaller and may be trained with data that is highly proprietary. Then results come back, they are summarized, and finally given back to the user. Industries that rely more on proprietary data and have very strict regulation are most likely going to be the first to adopt this model....


Here's Mr. Argenti's mini-bio at Goldman. Interesting career trajectory.