Friday, January 5, 2024

"China’s propaganda chiefs told to ‘sing loudly about bright economic prospects’"

That is so old-fashioned. The thing to do is crank the central government deficit up to 6.8% of GDP as the O'Biden administration has done and sail through the next election.

Oh wait, communists don't have elections. Hmmm...maybe that explains the fiscal modesty.

From the South China Morning Post, January 4:

  • Cai Qi, president’s chief of staff, calls for ‘positive publicity and public opinion guidance’
  • Beijing is trying to revive confidence in the economy as the country grapples with a downturn

The president’s chief of staff has urged propaganda officials to talk up China’s economic prospects, part of efforts to boost public confidence amid a slowdown.

Cai Qi made the remarks at an annual gathering of the nation’s propaganda chiefs in Beijing on Wednesday, state news agency Xinhua reported.

“[We should] continue to strengthen positive publicity and public opinion guidance, and sing loudly about China’s bright economic prospects,” Cai was quoted as saying.

He told the hundreds of officials to focus on building confidence in China’s future economic situation and to ensure the ruling Communist Party’s propaganda, ideology and cultural work “always progresses in the right direction”.

Li Shulei, who heads the party’s propaganda department, said there should be more efforts to guide public opinion and present China’s image on the world stage more effectively, as well as to prevent and resolve “ideological risks”, according to the report....