Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"White hot ‘sun-in-a-box’ battery backed by Bill Gates fund "

From ReCharge, December 12: 

A battery using liquid tin and Guinness World Record-holding technology to store energy at “almost half the sun’s temperature” has received funding from Bill Gates' energy innovation vehicle.

Boston-based Fourth Power announced today (Tuesday) that it has secured $19m in funding to scale its thermal battery technology.

The investment round was led by the venture capital firm DCVC, with participation from Breakthrough Energy Ventures – set up by Microsoft billionaire Gates to back promising energy technologies – and Black Venture Capital Consortium.

As well as scaling its technology, Fourth Power will use some funding to build a prototype facility outside Boston that it expects to complete in 2026.

Energy storage is vital for an energy ecosystem that is increasingly relying on intermittent renewable power sources such as wind and solar....


Here's hoping the consortium didn't call on Al Gore for his physics expertise. He has trouble with temperature.

As noted around the time Kleiner Perkins took him on as a partner:

"...two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, ’cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot ”
-Al Gore talking to Conan O'Brien on the Tonight Show