Monday, December 11, 2023

"Peru copper output up nearly 2% in October as Antapaccay surges"

From Reuters via Creamer's Mining Weekly, December 11:

LIMA - Peru's copper production rose 1.9% in October compared with the same month last year, totaling 240 097 metric tons for the month, the Andean country's mines and energy ministry said on Monday.

Peru is the world's second-largest producer of copper after neighboring Chile.

The ministry said in a statement the increase was due largely to strong performance at the Antapaccay mining firm, controlled by Glencore, where output jumped by nearly 36%, as well as at Grupo Mexico's Southern Copper, where production was up by almost 7%....


It was exactly a year ago that political crises in Peru extended to blocking access to the copper mines.

Copper: Panama Leaves Room For Reversal Of Giant Mine Shutdown Order; Protests In Peru Continue

Followed a month later by:

"Glencore halts operations in Peru due to violent protests"


Copper: "Peru's natural resources:—CIA-linked US ambassador meets with mining and energy ministers to talk 'investments'"
It's almost our mantra: Seek out sectarian division, dissent, violence and there you will find resources....