Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"France 2030: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron's announcements on innovation"

From the Daily News (UK), December 10/11:

Natural hydrogen for decarbonization, space cargo or electronic components for artificial intelligence (AI)… Emmanuel Macron announced, Monday December 11 in Toulouse, new areas of development for France 2030, an investment plan intended for innovation

Natural hydrogen for decarbonization, space cargo or electronic components for artificial intelligence (AI)… Emmanuel Macron announced, Monday December 11 in Toulouse, new areas of development for France 2030, an investment plan intended for innovation .

Launched in October 2021, France 2030 is allocated 54 billion euros, almost half of which has been committed. More than 3,200 projects carried out by 3,500 research centers and companies, half of them small and medium-sized (SMEs), benefit from public funding of around 30% of the sums invested.

“We must continue to accelerate,” said Emmanuel Macron on an Airbus site, during a progress report two years after the launch. “If we want to win this battle of disruptive innovation, we must go even faster and stronger,” he added.

The president promised, “from the start of next year”, “very concrete” government measures in favor of “drastic simplification”, a “hyper simplification” for businesses.

“We cannot have procedures that are twice as long as our American and Asian competitors,” he justified, also pleading for a public purchasing policy that favors, when possible, innovative solutions. “local” even if they are less attractive from a “budgetary” point of view....