Saturday, December 2, 2023

COP28: It Looks Like The Plan Is To Have Britain Pay For All Of Humanity's Emissions

That's on top of the $40 trillion—is that 40 lakh crore? then multiply by the inverse of 0.012 to get rupees and—sorry, got distracted. That's on top of the $40 trillion India would like Britain to pay and, well, King Chas. III might just as well turn over the keys.

From The Guardian, November 26:

British empire’s past emissions ‘double UK’s climate responsibility’
Exclusive: Data shows that including CO2 from countries once under colonial rule makes Britain one of world’s biggest historical emitters

The UK is responsible for almost twice as much global heating as previously thought when its colonial history is taken into account, analysis has revealed.

The UK’s domestic emissions account for 3% of total world emissions dating back to 1850. But when responsibility for emissions in countries once under the British empire’s rule is given to the UK, the figure rises to more than 5%.

These additional emissions come largely from the destruction of forests in the colonised countries, with the biggest contributors coming from India, Myanmar and Nigeria before their independence....


And no credits for any good that may have come out of the industrial revolution.  

Also at The Guardian:

Kentucky two-year-old’s high IQ makes her youngest female member of Mensa

I hate her.