Saturday, December 9, 2023

"China’s Xi goes full Stalin with purge"

Continuing the theme of the post immediately below: "Beware anything that makes a superpower unpredictable". 

Hat Tip up front to Izabella Kaminska who stopped by The Blind Spot on Friday (Spot Markets Live, 08/12/23 (Japanese YCC, Candles as commodities, Glapinski)) and dropped off the link below with the comment:

...Anyway, lots of people seem reluctant to believe this. But I urge you to do some research on who our editor-in-chief is and where he spent a substantial chunk of his career. If anyone has the journalistic expertise to publish such a thing it is he....

From, December 6:

In a sign of instability in Beijing’s top ranks, foreign policy and defense officials are vanishing as Xi roots out perceived enemies. 

Something is rotten in the imperial court of Chairman Xi Jinping. 

While the world is distracted by war in the Middle East and Ukraine, a Stalin-like purge is sweeping through China’s ultra-secretive political system, with profound implications for the global economy and even the prospects for peace in the region.

The signals emanating from Beijing are unmistakable, even as China’s security services have ramped up repression to totalitarian levels, making it almost impossible to know what is really happening inside the country.

The unexplained disappearance and removal of China’s foreign and defense ministers — both Xi loyalists who were handpicked and elevated mere months before they went missing earlier this year — are just two examples.

Other high-profile victims include the generals in charge of China’s nuclear weapons program and some of the most senior officials overseeing the Chinese financial sector. Several of these former Xi acolytes have apparently died in custody.

Another ominous sign is the untimely death of Li Keqiang, China’s recently retired prime minister — No. 2 in the Communist hierarchy — who supposedly died of a heart attack in a swimming pool in Shanghai in late October, despite enjoying some of the world’s best medical care. Following his death, Xi ordered public mourning for his former rival be heavily curtailed....


And if wary yet curious reader should wish to follow the breadcrumbs that Izzy was dropping:
