Tuesday, October 10, 2023

"Russia’s ‘Flying Chernobyl’ missile heralds new nuke arms race"

That doesn't sound good. Not...at...all.
Plus, can you imagine being the brand manager trying to sell your wares to North Korea? 
"Da, comrade Kim, Chernobyl"
Even pitching lil' Kim, that's a tough sell.
But at least we know where the Bud Light marketing lady ended up.

From Asia Times, October 10:

Burvestnik nuclear-powered superweapon’s successful test is Russia’s apparent answer to US’s new nuclear-tipped AGM-181A 

Russia has just tested a new nuclear-powered cruise missile, officially known as Burvestnik and referred to in reports as “Flying Chernobyl”, a doomsday superweapon spurred by Moscow’s concern of losing nuclear parity vis-a-vis the US and whose launch potentially heralds the start of a new nuclear arms race.

This month, The Warzone reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the successful test at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club. At the event, he also claimed that Russia is close to fielding its newest nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), known as the RS-28 Sarmat, adding to speculation of a new arms race.

The Warzone report says that Burevestnik, first unveiled by Putin in March 2018, has since been tested at several sites, including Pankovo in the Arctic Ocean. Russia’s Ministry of Defense has said the Burevestnik is a nuclear-armed, nuclear-powered strategic missile with unlimited range, with a nuclear thermal rocket or ramjet engine as its primary propulsion method.

The Warzone notes that safety concerns surrounding the missile include its release of radioactive material and the fate of its nuclear power source after detonation, hence the “Flying Chernobyl” moniker....


Also at AT "France-Germany venture aims to redefine tank warfare".

Trying to counter the Polish-Korean joint venture, I see. 

Too late, kimchi greater than sauerkraut.

‘Doomsday’ Nuclear Submarine Armed With Nuclear-Powered, Nuclear-Tipped Torpedoes Delivered to Russian Navy

Just 'effin great.

I was thinking of getting some new windows; the ones I had my eye on looked terrific in the showroom:


But you know how these things go, you have to see at least a couple of your fenestrations with the glass installed to get a feel for the look of the finished project but with the submarine news, why bother. 

'Effin Russians.

From The U.S. Naval Institute, July 8:....MORE

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Apocalypse Meh: Book Your Suite In The World's First Nuclear Powered Flying Hotel