Thursday, October 12, 2023

"Norway wealth fund manager predicts 'wasted decade' for financial markets"

From Canada's BNN Bloomberg, October 12: 

The head of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund told a Toronto economics conference that he thinks the next 10 years will be a “wasted decade” for financial markets, without any real returns in the coming years.

Nicolai Tangen, the chief executive officer of Norges Bank Investment Management, said during a Wednesday talk at the Toronto Global Forum that he is basing that dismal prediction on factors such as inflationary pressures, climate change, deflation in China and more. 

“I don't think we're going to get any returns in financial markets for the next five to 10 years. I think it's going to be really, really dull,” Tangen said during the conference. 

“I think it's going to be a completely wasted decade.”....


There will be some bright spots, there are always bright spots.
See for example:

Profit From The Global Riot Control Industry
This is a repost from May 2016 but it's probably evergreen.

2021: Today's Hot Tip From Investment Hulk

November 2022: Elliot Management: "World ‘plunging towards societal collapse’ as era of cheap money ends"
I'm not sure why Mr. Singer is talking about hyperinflation, that term has a specific meaning, 50%, or higher, per month price increases, that is the result of monetizing government deficit spending as it happens, i.e. printing money, and the major economies are at least 10 years from that.

On the other hand there is the probability that Central Banks will accept 4% CPI, declare victory and move on to other stuff. Thirdly, a decade of 10% annual inflation is a real possibility if the Central Banks decide their over-leveraged compadres in the private sector are worthy of being bailed out.

For the latter two scenarios the top-of-mind public riot-control equity names are Taser International (TASR) and Lamperd Less Lethal Inc. (LLLI).

Should the hyperinflation scenario actually occur you would probably want the old-line armaments purveyors, Northrup-Grumman (NOC), Ratheon (RTN) or BAE Systems (BA:lon) come to mind.

And trench coats? Burberry from $2490.00.