Friday, September 15, 2023

"Ranked: World's Largest Clay and Hard Rock Lithium Projects"

A reminder, lithium is not rare.

From MiningIntelligence, August 2023:

The lithium market has been in turmoil with dramatic price swings over the last few years as demand from electric cars take off and global supply growth tries to keep up.   

Junior miners are piling into the lithium market with competing new projects — the US state of Nevada is the emerging hotspot and where this year’s top three lithium projects are all located.

In a snapshot of the global project pipeline, Mining Intelligence data provides a ranking of the largest clay and hard rock projects in 2023, based on total reported lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) resources and measured in million tonnes (mt).

These projects will add to already robust production growth with global output set to come close to 1 million tonnes this year ramping up to 1.5 million tonnes in 2025, double production levels in 2022.

World’s largest clay and hard rock lithium projects



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