Monday, September 4, 2023

"If you had "scientists discover spooky golden egg at the site of an ancient underwater volcano" on your 2023 bingo card, boy are you in luck."

From Futurism, September 1:

Scientists Find Strange Golden Object at Bottom of Pacific Ocean
"Something tried to get in... or to get out." 

Golden Era

If you had "scientists discover spooky golden egg at the site of an ancient underwater volcano" on your 2023 bingo card, boy are you in luck.

On Wednesday, as The Miami Herald reports, a team of National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) scientists came across something deeply unusual while exploring an underwater volcano deep off the coast of Alaska: a mysterious golden object.

Found nestled into the side of the undersea structure roughly two miles beneath the Pacific ocean's surface, the strange orb-like discovery has puzzled the ocean researchers, who are currently mapping the Alaskan seafloor via remote-operated vehicle as part of the administration's latest Seascape Alaska mission. (The discovery was actually made live, as NOAA's live-streaming the mission.) And while coming across a spooky egg at the foot of an ancient volcano is eerie enough on its own, the researchers were reportedly extra shocked to discover that the mysterious orb had a torn hole in it — as if something had burrowed its way through.

"Something tried to get in... or to get out," one researcher observed during the live feed, according to the Herald. Zoinks!....


Also at Futurism:

Dead Star Devouring Rival, Using Its Flesh to Shoot "Cosmic Cannonballs" 

Oh, and something about Martha Stewart.