Tuesday, September 5, 2023

"French Services Sector Shrinks More Than First Thought in Aug -PMI"

Not going to become Europe's growth engine at this rate.

From Reuters via US News & World Report, September 5:

France's dominant services sector contracted more than first estimated in August as another fall in new orders weighed on business in the euro zone's second-biggest economy, a survey showed on Tuesday.

The HCOB France final purchasing managers index (PMI) for the services sector, compiled by S&P Global, fell to 46.0 points - its lowest level since February 2021 - from 47.1 points in July. That was below August's flash services PMI reading of 46.7 points.

Any figure below 50 points marks a contraction in activity, while above 50 points shows an expansion. The French services index has now been below that level for the third month in a row....