Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Internet Comes For the Last Bastion of Local Newspaper Profitability

From The Hustle, August 28:

Digital grim reapers are coming for one of the last main revenue streams of newspapers
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the only thing keeping the floundering local newspaper market from croaking was the death marketplace? Well… according to local online obituary and advertising placement firm Adpay, that’s partly true.

That’s right, obit sections are a $500m yearly enterprise for local papers. But, in order to stay out of a coffin, newspapers are forced to nickel-and-dime customers looking to send their loved ones off gracefully into the night.

Now, Adpay and other digital death-care companies like Legacy.com are stepping in as the local obit’s Grim Reaper.

Desperate times call for desperate measures
Obituaries typically cost around $100 for a standard listing, but, in a large market, the average revenue per obit is around $486+ with up-charges like photos or logos of affiliated organizations. Small and medium-sized markets tend to be around $318....MORE