Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Kidney Hoarders

From Reddit:
What's the most bullshit-sounding-but-true fact you know?
[–]LAL17 3533 points ago
When you get a kidney transplant, they usually just leave your original kidneys in your body and put the 3rd kidney in your pelvis.
[–]musicallyinclined 2495 points ago
True! My husband has had two transplants and has 4 kidneys. Apparently the surgery to remove the bad kidney is much more invasive and leaving it there does no harm.
[–]Bacon_Bitz 3206 points ago
Your husband is just hoarding kidneys.
[–]InsomniacMachine 2637 points ago
Up next on Hoarders, "I'm Joe, and I've been collecting kidneys since 1968."

HT: The Big Picture's 10 Sunday AM Reads