Ref: A60076HT: MoneyScience
Salary: Grade 7 £31,798 – £35,788 per annum. That is to say from £11.12 per hour to £12.51 per hour if you do the expected 55 hours a week. We certainly think you should do at least that, and have told all heads of School as much recently, explaining to them that anything less could be considered ‘partial performance’.At least you will have a good pension.
The School of Thinking seeks to appoint a new Lecturer. You will possess a good Honours and Masters degree in a relevant subject as well as a completed PhD with demonstrable relevance to high-quality teaching and expertise. Your undergraduate degree will cost you around £100,000 over the course of your life now, and you will have added significant debt on top of that to do a research degree. Lord only knows how much the MA might cost on top of that, but let’s say you’ll spend most of your life paying back around £150,000. Apparently, they say, it won’t stop you getting a mortgage, so good luck with that, but you might want to get the bus in to start with.
You will undertake high-quality research and teaching. Your research will have such impact that you will make a real difference to society: perhaps developing new cures or something. But, remember, it’s still up to you to pay back the huge debt you get for this ‘advantage’ in life. And remember, the students are paying now, so everything has to be about the teaching, OK? You’ll find time for the research. In fact, we’ll drag you into a meeting in front of three senior staff once a year to make sure you do.
You will undertake administrative tasks as reasonably requested. When we say ‘reasonably’, we mean you’ll work evenings and weekends...MORE
Now that's a position available posting!