Russian Pravda says Ukraine may be forced to declare war on the United States.
Pravda's reading of the 2024 bilateral Ukraine - Denmark security pact says Ukraine must come to the aid of Denmark should the U.S. invade Greenland.
To avoid opening a multi-front war the U.S. should wait to invade until after Greenland splits from Denmark later this spring.
However, this raises a problem for yours truly (for it is, in the end, all about me): Will the Danish Meteorological Institute lose interest in the Arctic and stop publishing their information-rich maps and graphs?
Elsewhere, Poland probably won't execute the arrest warrant for Prime Minister Netanyahu should he go to
Someone apparently realized arresting the Jew, who heads the world's only Jewish state, at the site of the deadliest of the camps, during the commemoration of the end of that depravity probably wasn't the flex some thought it was a few weeks ago when it was mooted the warrant would be enforced.
Euractiv - "Poland grants Netanyahu safe passage to attend Auschwitz commemorations"