Thursday, February 15, 2024

"Retail sales decline isn't an 'outright recession' indicator"

But that's the way speculators want to see it (bonds up, dollar down etc.) Which was the point of the throwaway-line outro from our earlier visit with Marc to Market:

...And now come U.S. retails sales with everything having been pulled forward into 2023.  

And the headline story, from Yahoo Finance, February 15:

The retail sales report for January, which saw higher than expected declines, raised alarms about weakening in consumer resilience. Charles Schwab Chief Global Investment Strategist Jeffrey Kleintop joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss why he doesn't believe this an "outright recession."

Kleintop says consumers are "piling onto credit cards" to maintain spending habits amid high inflation. He notes debt burdens are rising even as the labor market shows some weakening. With the recent wave of lay-offs, Kleintop belives "maybe [consumers] don't borrow as much", making it harder to sustain spending....

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