Wednesday, February 7, 2024

As Commended To Our Attention By The World Economic Forum: Pods For Poor Plebs To Live In

One of the things that stands out about price increases is their disparate impact on various income levels and wealth classes. Some of our comments on this brutal reality:

December 2011
...One way to foment social unrest and even violence is to promote policy's that contribute to the rising costs of necessities, food, fuel etc.
I'm looking at you Professor Krugman.

It doesn't matter to people who are getting squeezed that the iPhone 4's price is dropping or that the BLS's hedonics say they're getting better quality in new cars when the price of gas refuses to go below $3.00.
June 2022
There seems to be something akin to an actual plan to charge the plebs everything they earn to cover food, shelter, and basic necessities and further, to drive them into debt servitude to the tune of 5% - 10% of annual income per year.
September 2022
The laptop class and above are impervious to price hikes for food, it just doesn't register.
Whereas for the working class this winter there will be no spending beyond food, fuel and housing.
With maybe a shared subscription to Better Huts and Gardens for some survival tips.*

And the headline article from De Zeen, November 21, 2017:

Framlab proposes parasitic hexagonal pods to sleep New York's homeless  

New York's empty walls could be covered with honeycomb-like clusters of pods to house the city's growing homeless population, as part of this proposal by creative agency Framlab.

Oslo and New York City-based Framlab developed the Homed scheme in response to the growing number of people sleeping rough in New York City, which has risen by 40 per cent since 2012.

As available land is limited and expensive, Framlab's proposal makes use of the "vertical lots" formed by building walls to create temporary shelters.

The scheme imagines the construction of scaffolding onto windowless facades across the city, and slotting the hexagon-shaped modules inside....

"The Homed shelters would be lined with plywood 
to create a "warm and friendly" environment."

HT: The World Economic Forum 

Hey, it's literally a step up from“Housing Crisis Update: Unhoused People Are Living In Elaborate Cave Networks Now.”—Vice