Monday, October 16, 2023

Sissi Tells Blinken Jews Never Persecuted In Egypt

Moses was not immediately available for comment.

In fact no Egyptian Jews were available for comment. They've been ethnically cleansed and in the entire country there are fewer than twenty Egyptian Jews and possibly as few as six.

Meeting Blinken, Sissi claims Jews never persecuted in Egypt; slams Israeli collective punishment

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi uses his meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to falsely claim that Egypt never persecuted its now no longer existent Jewish minority.

“You said that you are a Jewish person,” Sissi says to Blinken in remarks in front of reporters. “I am an Egyptian person who grew up next to Jews in Egypt. They have never been subjected to any form of oppression or targeting and it has never happened in our region that Jews were targeted.”

Egypt’s Jewish community, which dates back millennia, numbered around 80,000 in the 1940s, but today stands at fewer than 20 people.

The departure of Egypt’s Jews was fueled by rising nationalist sentiment after Israel’s founding in 1948 and during the Arab-Israeli wars, harassment, and some direct expulsions by then-Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Sissi, whose country shares a narrow border with the Gaza Strip that has remained largely blocked over the past week, also said during the meeting that Israel’s “reaction went beyond the right to self-defense, turning into collective punishment for 2.3 million people in Gaza,” according to Egypt’s state-run media....


And in other news, Egypt doesn't want the folks from Gaza.

Blinken says efforts to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Sinai a ‘non-starter’

And neither does any other Arab/Muslim country