Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Questions America Wants Answered: How Will Brexit Affect The Art Market?

Granted, maybe not all Americans.
Anyhoo, Bendor Grosvenor guides us.
From Art History News:

Brexit and the Art Market
In a few weeks here in the UK (on June 23rd) we'll be having a referendum on whether we should remain in the European Union. I'm a fervent 'Remainer', and will be voting for the status quo. I won't bore you with my views on the matter (at least, not yet), but want to point you instead to two articles in the latest Apollo Magazine, where two art market experts set out their case for Remain and Leave. Pierre Valentin, one of the world's leading art market lawyers, is for Remain (and makes, it seems to me, a largely unanswerable case) while the dealer Frank Partridge argues for Brexit.

From this dealer's point of view, being part of the EU, and thus being able to buy, sell and transport works of art across Europe with relative ease, is an absolute necessity. What are your views, from an art market perspective? (And of course I realise there are other more important perspectives).
Update - a reader writes:
Regarding the toxic EU debate I wholeheartedly agree with you that 'being part of the EU, and thus being able to buy, sell and transport works of art across Europe with relative ease, is an absolute necessity'. But surely this doesn't necessitate our continuing membership of the EU, but just our continuing membership of the European Single Market, which are two separate entities?....